My MOM Rocks!

My back has been giving me issues, and my mom came to help:
She swept my floors, then she mopped my floors, she played with my kids, then she played with my dog.
She trimmed all my bushes, she made all the omelets, she cleaned all the dishes, and then mowed my lawn.
She made me lay down, and talked with me some, and went to the dump, and shoveled some stones.
She wore out my dog on a much needed walk, and she picked up the scraps of what Oscar had eaten. He chewed pencils, and wrappers, a fake shield of armor, his new squeaker toy, and some used paper towels. (and she too still loves him)
She helped do the laundry, and made me slow down. She scrubbed all the bathtubs, and raked up the yard...
...and would you know it? I am starting to feel better.
Mom, you rock...and I love you muchly!
Aw, Melissa, you rock too!!! To anyone reading this? Don't let her fool you I was afraid of what she would do with the cane in her hand if I stopped working :) As for Melissa's dog and kids? Hey what's not to love. I thoroughly enjoyed my stay and was glad to help. I pray you are feeling 100% soon. Your home is lovely and I was happy to be the caretaker for a few days!!! The Coles are the BEST!!!!! Love and miss ya, Mom & The Meems