1st Day of School 2012-2013

Another school year is upon us.  This summer seemed to fly by with all the camps the biggers attended, Elsa's mission trip, our Disney trip, and soccer preseason.  Almost feels like we need a vacation from summer vacation!  Ready or not classes are underway and a new busyness starts.

Easton and I were ready and waiting at 6:40am for the bus that I thought was coming at 6:45am.  Apparently our new pick-up time this year is 7:15am.  He was super excited and I got some fun pictures.

berries we picked from our neighbors garden...yum!

I really wanted to do photos together with all three kids today, but with Easton's bus leaving so early it just didn't work.  An hour after Easton's pictures the biggers were ready to leave for 8th and 10th grade.  I feel old.



  1. Love these pictures. Such an exciting day at The Cole House. First school days are the very best!


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