Angriest Graduate. Ever.

Chase.  This kid cracks me up on a regular basis.  He is very sensitive, loving, and has an amazing imagination.  He's been telling me for months that he is a robot, and he is not pretending.  At all.

Yesterday I opened up his back pack to find his Kindergarten graduation picture and could not stop giggling.  I asked him what happened and he said "I didn't know why they would make me do this, and it made me very mad!"  That pretty much sums up Chase.  This kid wears his heart right on his sleeve, and is rarely persuaded to change his opinions.

I am not in the habit of purchasing school pictures, as I take enough each year to probably cover half of the state, but I could not resist getting this one.  More than worth the $13, and it's absolutely going into his baby book!


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