The Great Hosta Removal of 2011
It was finally time to tackle the landscaping at our house. With the help of some wonderful friends that became a reality! We started back in May and even though the rains were heavy, a lot was accomplished that first day!
About half of the yard was completed that night. When the Gildemeisters left I thought I would hedge a few more bushes with my lovely birthday gift from my parents. In less than an hour I was heading to the urgent care to get all the fingers on my left hand stitched up. Thankfully it wasn't any worse than that! The boys had to go into respite for 10 days while my hand healed and guess where they went...the Gildemeisters. Hahahaha
It took a while for everyone to have enough free time to tackle the rest of the yard, but once it happened it went quick and was a great time!
It is wonderful to be able to mow without having to worry about weeding or mowing over giant hostas! I have great friends and am thankful for the blessings they have bestowed upon our family!
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