Thankful for so many things...

So the day was going smooth when Chases smoke detector went off in his room while he was taking a nap.  I rushed up the stairs and could smell a bit of smoke in his room only.  I couldn't see any, but I could certainly smell it.  I figured that couldn't be good, so I took him out of the room and started searching for a source of the smoke.  I couldn't find one.  Odd.

I called my brother-in-law, who is a firefighter, and he suggested I call 911 and let them know what is going on.  So I did.  I let them know I didn't think it was an emergency, per se, and could they please just send out someone to check things over?  He took my information and said he would forward it on.  It wasn't even a full minute later and the town siren went off and within a few minutes the fire trucks started showing up.  Chase was in heaven!

3 firetrucks, 2 service trucks, and 1 ambulance showed up.  So did most of the neighbors.  Ha!  The firemen were very helpful, and although they could smell the smoke, we never found the source.  They thermal-imaged all the walls in the house and it was deemed safe.  The guys were very thorough and checked from basement to attic without an answer.

I am thankful that nothing serious happened today, and that we have so many faithful volunteer fire fighters willing to sacrifice their time to help the community.  Chase is thankful he got out of having his nap and that he got to see all the firetrucks!



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