The Trebuchet

Michael and I set out last night to start research for a Social Studies project...Medieval Siege Weapons. Good grief...I know nothing about these. While looking through stuff on the web we came across a step by step for making an office supplies trebuchet. It was all stuff we had and they said we could make it in an hour. So we gathered the supplies and started. 3 hours later we finished. *sigh*

Michael helped as much as he could (taping, making the paperclips straight, holding frame work while I secured it, and moral support) and we are proud to announce IT WORKS!!!

He was tickled that it actually worked and flung stuff across the room and I was relieved that I didn't have to bend anymore paperclips without needle nose pliers!

I really enjoyed the one on one time with Michael...and the joy he has when that stuff zooms through the air made it all worth it!


  1. Ohh, that is awesome. Great job mom! Cute pictures. I cannot believe how big your kids are now!

  2. I love the video of Michael! His face when the paper clip goes flying is fantastic!


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